How we got here
In June 2019, I was six months pregnant with my second child and lost my mother to her battle with breast cancer. I’ve struggled with grieving the loss of my mother while also experiencing some of the happiest moments in my life. It’s been a balancing act trying to let myself be happy in those moments, while also letting myself feel the grief that makes me ache. being a mother and losing my mother has brought its own set of challenges that I never anticipated I would have to deal with.
My goal for this blog is to not only share my experience of losing my mom and being a mother but also share the other ways we experience grief in life and how we can find joy even in the darkest days. My plan at the moment is to share stories from my childhood, how I’m honoring my mother while raising daughters, and hopefully share other’s stories of grief, loss, and family. And in all this, my hope and prayer is that others will find solace in community and a knowledge of Christ’s work in their life.
about me

Hi there. My name is Victoria. Here are some of the most important things you should know about me. First, I am a Christian. this does not mean I’m perfect, but I do rely on Christ through everything in my life. Second, I am a wife and mom. I have been married for 8 years and have 2 beautiful daughters. Third, if you haven’t guessed it already, I was really close to my mom. Her loss was a big moment in my life, one I don’t fully understand yet. My life is messy and imperfect and I very much do not have it all together, but trusting in Christ, loving my family, and trying to be helpful to others are the things that get me through my toughest battles.